Yippee, Skippee!
Another Bike Trip Soon!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
I'll be heading out with Bob on
Wednesday, Sept. 21.
Ten days, just two of us.
Ride Southeast MN: small roads, some trails.
Preparation flurry almost TOO MUCH.
Trips to purchase very bright rear tail lights,
Return trip for replacement switch on one light.
Deciding among gluten free bars,
Essential back-up food for Celiac Bob.
Dozens of options,
Biggest challenge is
New Phone.
Giving me possibilities that will be
Wonderful eventually.
Right now,
I am overwhelmed and
Strange words appear from my thick finger taps.
Unwanted calls go to unintended receivers.
Feelings of being too far out of tech-teachable
Nearly swamp me.
Asking for help critical,
Scott's careful over-phone guiding
Gives me start.
Bike trip is loop from & to our garage,
Ten days of about 350 miles,
Short ride days.
Short is smart now,
As we've not done much
Conditioning riding.
Eager to have prep and packing complete.
Eager to be pedaling a road,
Getting from start to destination—
My idea of fun.
That Bob and I together
Look forward to bike adventure,
Is shared gift for both.
Lucky me, lucky us.

Smile for upcoming adventure! (Practicing selfies, too...)

Packing for another adventure!

New high-powered tail light.

Argh!!!! Will I ever get this???

Lovely array of Gluten-Free bars...