Working To Stay Warm
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Avoca to Exira, IA: 50 miles, I rode 20.
I’m dressed in layers so many,
My bag nearly empty of any,
More clothing to wear,
Wish weather were fair,
Warm sun in my thoughts for a penny!
Another day with Endless hills & headwind.
My 20 of 50 miles bit of an embarrassment.
Are you allowing yourself to feel successful
Whatever your current level of achievement?
Clothing for ride, if interested …
Bike knickers, knee length wool socks,
All covered by Gore Tex rain pants
For warmth & wind break.
On top: smartwool undershirt,
Covered with long sleeve bike shirt,
Covered with Pearl Isumi bike jacket,
All covered with substantial raincoat.
No rain today.
Lunch in Exira.
Library emall – active in community.
Charming librarian.

Local cafe named Buck Snort because guys
Planning to start a cafe heard a buck snorting
In rush while they were hunting.

In park, lunch so welcome —too cold to sit eating.
Tonight in Airbnb. I’m on bottom bunk.
Very low head clearance. Will turn over with care.

Hope is cooking dinner tonight.
We’re way out in Iowa farmland.
Reminding myself I am here for what I love,
Even if cannot complete all miles.
P.S. Leave a comment below—I read them and will respond!
**Photo at top: I’m wedged into the bottom bunk at our Air Bnb!