Winding Up the Adventure
Monday, August 8, 2016
As I posed this a.m.
Picture of "Tour" yellow shirt with bike bling,
Then Olympic medal around neck,
Reminding me of treat of in-person audience,
Gifting me with attention, admiration,
Truly wonderful experience!
And website comments
Of encouragement, appreciation,
Engaged reading of adventure.
Wonderful on-line audience!
My deep desire in writing,
Speaking to tell story,
Is that my journey can beInspiration & motivation
To others to try your own "Big Ride."
To reach for your own "bigger" vision for yourself.
I'll share an encounter from early summer.
Along street in hometown,
Man called out, "I hear you are biking to Wyoming at age 77."
"Yes," says I, and told some of upcoming trips.
Woman had slowed while walking behind on sidewalk.
When I was alone again, she came to me,
"Are you really going to make that ride?
And may I shake your hand?"
We did shake and smile.
She went on down street.
Later I saw her at outside table,
So asked "Are you new here?"
"No, been here a few years."
She continued speaking:
"I am survivor of domestic abuse, and have been involved in Empowerment sessions. I am 68 years old.
Hearing your adventure plans let me know
It's not over 'til it's over."
Both of us had tears.
I thanked her for such an affirmation.
It made me realize that that is why I tell my story.
If one someone is encouraged, inspired, motivated,
I am humbled and honored.
"It's not over 'til it's over."
It's never too late to say yes to a big dream.
Get help; lots of it if you need that.
Find the humor in the hard stuff,
Laugh at how awkward, difficult, challenging moments can be.
Stick with the commitment,
Make connections.
That's working for me.
Try it; you might like it.

Reunion time was worthwhile,
Reconnection with some,
Realizing how very big class was: 400,
How few I really knew.
Gathering 135 people,
Eighty-three classmates.
Good event.
I was asked several times
"Are you riding bicycle back to MN?"
"Not this time even though it is downhill!"
Home will be welcome,
And require re-entry for me
Now I know more about the "how to."
You'll hear from me occasionally.
Certainly I'll let you know about rides—
Speaking adventures, too.
Let me know of groups, companies, organizations,
That would like to hear my story.
Many, many hugs to each of you,

My "Olympic Gold Medal," given to me at the Pre-60th Reunion Luncheon Talk!

Here's a bike with pizzazz!

Cheyenne, home of "Frontier Days" boasts a collection of "Art Boots." This one by the Public Library.

Bob beside another amazing Art Boot—almost as amazing as he is!

Bob by Cheyenne's Lincoln Memorial

Packing Up Again...