Why Recommit?
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Those times when you’re thinking of quitting,
Near burn-out, depletion admitting.
Pull up your resolve,
And let things evolve.
Just what do you need? Recommitting!
One of my 5 shifts
For gearing up is
Oh, my goodness!
That’s what you have to do
For almost anything in life.
Today, I’m thinking very personally.
August 23rd is Bob’s and my wedding anniversary.
August 23, 1959 –> 2023 is a l-o-o-o-ng time.
Recommitting is the “given.”
Wherever in life you may need it:
Involving self in ways that matter,
Contributing in some way,
Creating something new,
Completing a long-ignored project,
Honing skills,
All take Recommitment.
I’m Recommitting to regular bike riding.
Much as I enjoy / benefit from those rides,
There are times when I have to convince me
To bother getting out to pedal.
Recommit is what you do,
As often as you need to.
Sometimes that’s every few minutes.
It’s a way of saying “yes!”
And taking the steps that carry you to
Fulfillment, Pride, and Contentment.
Here’s to “sticking with it.”