What’s Changed For You?

Rushing toward next room,
Half way there,
I remembered —
We moved those file cabinets three weeks ago.

Though in much more convenient location,
I head for spot where they stood
For seven & half years.
That change not yet part of muscle memory.

Required meeting,
Always on first Monday,
Now different schedule.
Though much more logical,
Hard to “wrap” that change.

After six years of Lindy MacLaine
Formatting my web/ blog words,
Photos, and year of limerick videos,
Things are changing.

Having placed 3rd in Toastmaster Internation Contest,
Lindy’s creative energy will be
Focused on speaking opportunities,
And coaching other speakers.

Blue Zenith company’s skills,
Now handling outreach for me.

Weekly posts will be in Lin’s Bike Notes.
Remember to look for them.
You’ll be notified once-a-month,
And can read four-at-one-time then.

It’s All Good !
Change needs time to integrate.
Our habits hold us tightly.

We can change.
Eventually, it will be our “norm”.
Hang in here with me.

Hugs to you,

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"