What Unexpected Delight Showed Up This Week?

Third week of October —
Blue skies and weather warm enough for
Glorious outdoor time!

My “fav” riding buddy, Bob, and I
Rode the two paved bike trails near Northfield.
Cannon Valley Trail and Sakatah Trail.
Two days of lovely bike-riding together.

Our Trail rides let us share
Time, Side-by-side pedaling, Viewing , Appreciating.
All simple and precious.

Indulge me, please,
As I note that the simple sharing,
Is a big portion of
“Glue” connection.

Add in autumn color,
Occasional food treats,
Mostly well-matched pedaling rhythm…..
Bright gifts in my days.

Bike outings are just my metaphor.
Shared time is gold.

A positive aspect of a “glue”? —
Sticking things together and renew.
Overly sticky,
Can be quite tricky!
So, do pick the glue that will suit you.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"