What Story Will You Tell?
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
Here’s what I think can come of sharing.
We learn beyond that which is glaring.
We learn what we’ve done,
For cause or for fun—
We learn of our daring and caring.
What story will you tell?
When I give a talk, I tell folks,
Tell your stories!
There are people who will be interested.
People encouraged, hearing
What you found possible.
I believe that … and,
I believe in the power of
Listening to those stories.
This week, midst a bike trail ride,
Drinking water, eating snack,
I stepped out of my ordinary mode.
(I can be pretty quiet and insulated.)
Rather than just nod greeting,
I interacted with other riders
Also taking their break.
These ordinary riders
Had extraordinary stories.
That’s the way it is, I think.
We don’t know the depth we’re missing.
Iowans deciding to learn rodeo skills
At thirty years old,
Because it seemed fun.
Gentle schoolteacher who marched
At Selma as college student,
Because of strong belief in the cause.
Late-aged, non-cook person who learned
To bake prize-winning choc-chip cookies,
Because the Sunday School class loved them.
Parents who set their pre-school child
In bike seat, and peddled half of U.S.,
Because they could.
Mid-aged rollerblader
Skating in every state,
Because it marked health.
None of us know until we share and we listen.
There is such richness in knowing the stories.
Leave your story in a comment below!