What Is Your Winter Focus?

Hello My Friend,

This time can prompt our noticing
Connection, similarity,
In simplest activity.

February has brought bitter cold.
Also, more minutes of daylight.
I’m putting attention on the light.

Indoor pursuits keep us moving.
Stationary biking;
Walking lengths of condo hallways;
Stretch routine daily.

Hallways, usually empty for walks,
Provided distanced companionship one evening.

Unbeknownst to each,
Four women walking halls on same schedule.
We were “tribe” with same intent —

I chucked when I thought back, —
Our unintended “tribe”,
Varied in our abilities & speed,
Ages spanning three decades,
Moving in a Hall-Walk.

“Quietly enjoying & appreciating each other,”
“Smiles are the password”, Carolyn wrote.

Another circumstance,
We might have missed how
We became a tiny tribe.
That matters.

May you notice as you move along your path.

Hugs to you,

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"