What Has Filled Your “Sense of Purpose” This Week?

For me, that question feels hard to answer.
Is that true for you as well?

This week I’ve watched & listened to
Daily interviews about “Radically Reframing Aging.”

Repeatedly, from experts interviewed,
I heard words accentuating how important
“Purpose” is.

Feeling useful, motivated, interested, enthused—
Having those adjectives apply to life—
Important at any age,
Becomes critical when older.

It rang true for me, because,
I find day-to-day-day “purpose” hard to describe.

Yes, I ride the exercise bike.
Yes, I give talks.
But not all the time!
Does something need to shift?
Or do I need to see a day with different naming / framing?

I know that how I name things makes tremendous difference
In feeling hopeful or stuck;
In sensing the satisfaction of “pedaling,”
In noting the significance of “moving-on-down-the-road.”

I believe those interviewed experts.
I’m willing to take a broader look at


When posing my days for inspection,
And viewing those days with reflection;
Tasks I’m pursuing,
Can be renewing.
I could name each one with affection!

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Barb - March 11, 2022

Your words are always so honest and heartfelt and express what so many of us (me) feel and experience as we approach each day and our lives. Thanks, Lin.

    Lin Bruce - March 24, 2022

    It is my pleasure–and such an affirmation to know that voicing these thoughts strikes a chord!

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