Weather Moods
The Boost of Warmer Weather
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
My Dear Friend,
How is weather affecting your mood?
Oh my, this warm week unlocked
Eager-to-be-outside joy!
I saw it everywhere I saw people.
Happy to be out, "doing."
Wearing masks,
Staying at distance,
All less objectionable
With sunshine and warmth.
I've gotten to ride daily.
I'm smiling like all the other folks!
One day, as I rode short connector road,
Routing me into familiar route,
From new direction,
I noticed how different
Things looked.
Seems like it is an off-bike reminder
For many things.
To change your perspective,
Approach from a different angle.
Today Bob gave me gift.
Drove to Faribault,
Seventeen miles south of home.
There, unloaded bike and me.
I got to FLY home with south wind at back!
What an effortless joy.
Twenty mph at some times.
You know wind was strong,
Since my usual speed
About half that.
I'm savoring what has been possible.
Who knew?
Who knows as we make our way
Through each day.
Watch for your smile!
Many hugs and wishes for health,