Unexpected Gifts
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
When, for you, did the unexpected turn out to be a gift?
I’d just read a message about
“Unexpected Gifts” … how
Something showing up differently
Turned out to be a positive experience.
My rushed morning soup-assembly
Was that very happening for me.
I’ll preface by telling you that my
Spice storage is alphabetical.
(Okay, okay, a bit nerdy.
Works for me.)
Hurriedly putting ingredients in soup pot,
I reached up to spice storage where “C” spices are.
Pulled out jar from its place,
Rapidly put partial contents into soup.
I didn’t stop to read, or sniff, or look.
Just into the pot.
It wasn’t cumin,
It was cinnamon!
Not what I expected in my hominy soup.
Turns out, I have given us
Differently flavored soup.
Sort of an “unexpected gift.”
Interesting new flavor,
Definitely edible,
Definitely unexpected,
Sort of Soup-Fun.
This is a very benign example of
Unexpected becoming a gift.
Those life times of
Jarring circumstances that
Shatter life’s order,
Which demand our becoming
Independent, stronger, braver,
Can bring us to our knees.
When the “other side” shows up,
We can find that we have
Developed a Bigger sense
Of self-worth,
Of greater possibility,
Of solid personal strength.
Unexpected Gifts
We couldn’t imagine.
Sending you wishes for perseverance.
I pulled out the spice in the “C” spot,
Without taking heed of what-I-got.
I put in the spice,
I didn’t “sniff twice”.
My cinnamon soup is a New Lot!