Tour de Wyoming: Day 6
Burgess Junction to Sheridan, WY: 45 miles
Friday, July 22, 2016
LAST DAY for this "Tour de Wyoming" ride.
Since we were housed two miles from breakfast,
Bikes on car first thing.
Bob also packed to go,
Wanting to be down mountain
Before cyclists on road.
Though not at peak,
Burgess Junction one of top spots in
Big Horn mountains.
Elevation ride start: 8000 ft
Down to 3000 ft.
Started with bit of climb,
Little down, some up for 13 miles.
Then signs warning ...8% downgrade, next 12 miles.
Trucks use lowest gear.
Brake check pullout space.
This was going to be
SWOOSHING downhill.
I don't like swooshing downhill;
I am timorous downhill rider;
I can be 'scaredy cat' with downhills.
My well functioning disc brakes
Give me more confidence.
I knew tires were strong.
Fortunately there was shoulder
In good condition.
Few black / tar snakes,
Too cold for them to grab.
I stuck to edges,
Worked my brakes,
Crept down mountain,
Working to quell terror.
Quickly realized that
Every "scenic overlook" was pull out
Spot for me to rest brake-squeezing-hands,
Screw up courage,
Give myself encouragement.
At one spot
Flagged SAG car,
Which was full.
Really, by the bottom
I was proud to have made it
On my two wheels.
During descent,
Cyclists were flying past.
This course is some riders' absolute dream.
They fly by going 30 to 45 mph.
I struggle to stay at 10 to 15.
Each in own comfort zone.
I did safely ride down that mountain.
What a finale!
Worked for me,
And speedsters.
Out on plains,
Ranchester gas station
Had man riding horse,
Man riding 4-wheeler,
Me on bike.
Different modes possible.
On into Sheridan,
Where Bob and Elizabeth picked me up,
Going to good Mexican resterant for lunch.
Our meal salute to "Tour de Wyoming" time.
Bob, Elizabeth and I have headed to Montana for
Three day round of visiting with friends and family.
Bikes are on back of car.
Bike clothes stuffed in plastic bag,
To be washed at Karin and Ron's Billings home.
Daily rhythm will change.
Which is the "real" rhythm?
The bike trip one,
Or other life one?
I guess it is the rhythm that
Enhances my day.
With no ride progress to report,
I'll not write daily.
Though I would like to let you know bits
Of our short car journey.
And tell you of 60th reunion
Which prompted rides.
All is well.
Today's Limerick:
Ride twelve miles of eight percent downhill,
To give you a measure of life thrill.
You may choose to cheer,
Or be filled with fear,
So grateful to finish upright still!

Fait Accompli! The ride is over—we're back in civvies.

Morning invitation

Sunrise over Burgess Junction

Moose Sighting!

The road to Sheridan

Headed to this expansive valley below.

"Down in the Valley," closing in on Sheridan


Return to a normal clothesline.

Post ride duty: grooming the SAG

Lin on Karin and Ron Smith's deck

And now you KNOW we are just a little nutty!