Tour de Wyoming: Day 5
Basin to Burgess Junction, WY: 55 miles (my ride: 44)
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Nearly done: One more ride day.
Leaving Basin at 5:30 a.m.
Temperature was sixty two degrees.
FORTY degrees cooler than yesterday.
I wore extra gloves for some miles,
Pleased to be able to ride in cool comfort.
Passing through this countryside,
How extraordinary to be moving via bicycle.
Never would I have thought,
I'd have this chance.
Big climb of day,
Up Shell Canyon.
Spectacular geology exposed
Both sides of canyon.
Steep ride.
My gears give me steady cadence;
Maybe steady "grind,"
Moves me upward.
Heat of day arriving as pedaled
Bringing out dangerous black snakes / tar snakes.
Black snakes are the lines of asphalt
Filling cracks in road,
Particularly cracks in shoulder.
As the asphalt gets warm and becomes soft,
Snake of black tar grabs bicycle tire,
Tugging wheel
Threatening balance.
Horizontal snakes not so dangerous,
Snakes parallel to line of ride,
Watch out.
Avoiding tar takes careful attention.
Staying course on narrow shoulder,
While skirting snakes,
Shell Creek Falls viewing and information area,
Welcome spot midst climb up canyon.
I view and appreciate
Choosing not to go down all steps to observation platform,
Not wanting to climb back up
Using bicycle leg energy.
There was inviting stone bench.
I laid down thinking maybe nap would be helpful.
Closed eyes.
Voice of Forest Service woman,
Over me saying "are you alright, maybe sagging would be best."
Says I "no need to SAG. I am fine."
Clearer thinking sent me to one of SAG cars
For eleven mile boost,
Nearly to summit.
Wise choice.
I rode two miles to Granite Pass Summit.
From there, beautiful, mostly flat ride to our overnight spot
To meet Bob and Elizabeth.
Great to get out of heat,
Eat lunch,
Dinner, picnic, was at Burgess Junction Lodge,
Last evening together.
Lots of people as families who were supporting riders
Ate with all.
Bob was there; nice.
Program after dinner.
Some limericks presented.
I chose to sing one of my funny bicycle songs.
Very well received by crowd.
There was noting of riders over seventy.
A man from MN and I
Oldest riders on this trip,
Seventy seven.
Grateful to be able to do ride.
One more ride day.
After some very long portions,
Seems like short time.
Hugs to all,

The beauty of early morning riding

Group Campsite: This is how most of the Tour de Wyoming riders spent their nights.

Sunrise—red due to forest fires in area.


Looking up into the hills above the Big Horn Basin

The wide expanse of Big Horn Basin

The magical green of irrigation

Shell Canyon dramatic vistas

Geology on display...

Rainbow magic

All done!

What are fences for?

Acknowledging Elders (wow! I'm an elder!)

Singing my funny bike song