Tour de Wyoming: Day 3
Ten Sleep to Meeteetse, WY: 84 miles (My ride: 40 mi.)
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Today was HEAT!
Total ride length 84 miles.
Many riders sagged in from points along way.
Vast open prairie,
No spots of shade, temps in 90's.
Depleting conditions.
Bob came along in car when I was at forty miles;
Racked bike onto carrier.
Picked up Elizabeth at 55 miles;
Racked her bike on carrier.
Some biked whole distance
And have lived to tell about it.
Decision to SAG was very smart for me.
Gratefully found our motel room,
With AC and plenty of running water.
Lunched in room eating avocado each,
Perfect ripeness from several days of travel.
Showers, nap, walk 2 blocks to town.
Meeteetse has gourmet chocolatier,
Purchased one each.
As succulent as any big city chocolate.
Owner / crafter is mid thirties saddle bronc rider guy,
Who wanted to earn money to buy new saddle.
Made some truffles.
Sold them at Meeteetse celebration.
Now has shop here and one about to open in Jackson Hole!
The afternoon had a wonderful connection time.
My cousin of some lineage,
Second ? once removed?
Nancy Krueger, lives here.
We have never met.
Nancy fetched E., Bob, me,
Drove three miles out to her home
For visit.
She is open, warm, friendly.
My sister Gail's age.
Story upon story was shared,
About her grandmother, my aunt.
Absolutely worth any bicycle ride.
Bonus for this one.
High heat makes trip harder
Than pedaling.
We will take care.
Hugs to all,
Today's limerick:
When heat is so hot that you're lagging,
It makes such good sense to be sagging.
Get into the car,
To go near or far.
And save your tired backside from dragging.

Rest Stop Day 3

Badlands-type views

Seated for evening outdoor concert

Coming in to first rest stop (taken by Elizabeth—still very early)

Soft morning light, dry hills

Contemplating while resting

Break's Over!

Dry and drier: Day 3

This sheep wagon is JUST like the one my Grandpa Thorely had, here in the Big Horns!

Here's my cousin Nancy, of Meeteetse, WY!