Tour de Wyoming: Day 1
Sheridan to Buffalo, WY: 48 miles
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Today started early.
Elizabeth and I had Bob take us and our
Bicycles to Sheridan Jr H.S. to
Get into 5:15 Q-ing up for
Service with four lines,
So, quick to get food.
We were on road by six a.m.
Yesterday after dinner,
Had driven leaving-town-route in car.
Big help in morning to know where one is going.
I had asked E. to ride with me this morning,
Until out of town.
Both enjoyed / appreciated that.
Then Elizabeth glided away on her
Fast bike with her strong legs.
Next meeting was at motel.
Miles were through lovely
Wyoming valleys.
New scenery for me.
More green than usual WY ride,
As followed Piney Creek
About half of journey.
Three rest stops set up for cyclists.
Food, water, Portapotties.
As week progresses,
These will become socializing spots.
Wind came up later in morning.
I was into Buffalo by 12:30, and had battled wind.
Earlier riding,
Hence faster riders,
Have less wind.
Incentive to leave early.
I was VERY tired.
Could tell that it has been week since
A distance ride for me.
Last night's sleep was poor,
Worried about start of this adventure.
I think that today I tried to pedal at a faster cadence.
All those riders passing, passing me.
Surely I could step up my pace.
Another "Relearn".
Biking one's own rhythm is important.
To downtown, via car,
For lunch.
Buffalo is buzzing with many tourists,
Even more cyclists.
One of you asked about my gear:
My Salsa brand bicycle,
Model called Vaya,
Is working well.
I had it "built" for my measurements.
Frame is a little smaller,
Tires are less in diameter (26, I think).
I am not a short woman, and
I am very short waisted.
That makes forward reach short.
Hence smaller frame.
You remember that I had gears changed.
No shift with left hand.
I have a "One and Eleven" by Schram.
My seat is a women's cut-out from Terry Bicycle Co.
I'm very particular about seat.
If ever I'm going to ride rental bike,
I take my own seat.
Last night I was dancing around our motel room,
Saying, "the rhythm will appear, the rhythm will appear".
Meaning that the pre-arranging, the location, the timing,
Will become obvious and easier.
All is well,
Hugs to each,

Gorgeous wide open vistas

Lin & Elizabeth in New Hoodies

Crossing Narrow Bridge

Morning light on today's route

Green of Piney Creek close by

Vistas in Full Sun

People settle close to water

Me riding into Buffalo

First 48 miles of Tour de Wyoming DONE!

Once library, now museum: after lunch in Buffalo