Tour de WYO 2017: Day 5
Saratoga—Laramie: 80 miles
(I rode 50 miles)
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Official ride was 80 miles.
My ride was 50 miles:
Saratoga -> Ryan Park 23 miles.
Centennial -> Laramie 27 miles.
I "eliminated" climb up -> down Snowy Range
With personal SAG vehicle support.
Just right for me.
Especially since I felt as though I had done those miles.
From top of range milepost signage,
Realized that last Thursday,
Day of my "No race, my pace" mantra,
I climbed within one mile of Snowy Range summit!
Today into Laramie—
Now Elizabeth, Bob, I at Laramie home,
Until tomorrow's ride.
Since I ride slowly,
Being passed by nearly every rider,
I get to see amazing variety of
Bike Jerseys moving on riders.
Some from:
Particular rides,
Supporting cause,
Advertising business.
Printed with backbone, as though viewing skeleton rider.
Quilting patterns
Colors from hardly visible to
High viz attention.
For last five days I read shirts
Like traveling billboards.
Near bottom back tail,
One said, "Black Butt.”
Odd, thought I,
Most of we cyclists wear black shorts,
Hence at least three hundred fit
“Black Butt” name.
Next pass I read "Black Butte."
Told cyclist, who laughed.
Next pass he shouted "Black Butt coming around!”
We both laughed.
I am weary.
Grateful today for nap,
Soak in bathtub.
Quiet lodging.
Especially grateful for safety.
Sending Love and Big Hugs,
P.S. Last night "entertainment" optional limerick reading.
Here is my limerick:
Perhaps there's some time when you've been told,
"Get out of the game 'cause you're too old!"
Here's what I will say:
Get out there and play,
And then your adventure can unfold!

Imagine crossing this country in a covered wagon!

Wyoming geology is fascinating!

Here I come!

Amazing vistas

Rest stop halfway up Snowy Range

Mid-morning pause

River lined by cottonwoods

High altitude view

Finishing for the day near Laramie

Reading my limerick as evening entertainment

Look at that LONG line of bikes!