Tour de WYO 2017: Day 3
Rock River to Saratoga: 75 miles—
I rode 50.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Scheduled ride was 75 miles.
I rode 50.
Started in intermittent rain—
Beautiful rainbow.
One rider said, "Good omen for day!”
First seventeen miles with cloud cover
Temps mid 60's.
Made the headwind almost unnoticeable.
Cleared off.
Wyoming's clear blue skies
Bring the heat, high 80's.
Biked by Medicine Bow, WY.
Home of huge wind farm.
I know why!
Turbines & bike fronts pointed same direction,
Making headwind and heat
Words of the day.
Saratoga is on Platte River,
Life giving water for band of green.
No cooler.
Beautiful though.
Town noted for natural hot springs,
Good soak spot for "biked out" muscles.
Two days here,
With tomorrow option of an out & back ride,
To high pass near Encampment WY.
Other options are
Ice cream shop, cupcake shop,
Lazy day.
I will decide tomorrow.
Today was another tired day for me.
I get disappointed that I'm not riding all miles,
Others are.
My decisions are just right for me.
“No Race, My Pace!”
Hugs, to all,

Platte River flows here... Irrigation!

View from 10, 843 feet. Smoke is from the Keystone fire.

This morning's good omen!

Riding through wide open spaces!

Sagebrush fields backed by mountains

Up we go, toward windmills.

This sign touts the importance of Wyoming as source of dinosaur fossils.

Walcott Junction—87 degrees and windy. Pulling in to meet Bob.