Tour de WYO 2017: Day 2
Wheatland to Rock River: 79 miles
—I rode 43 miles
Monday, July 17, 2017
This day's ride was HARD.
All the descriptors from yesterday—
Losing two thousand feet
With downhill highways.
Strong, tailwind, powerful assist—
Do not apply.
Today altitude gain went from 4000 to 7000,
That means lo-o-o-ong uphills for slow climbing.
Headwinds made work even harder.
Add heat, by time most of us were in midst of
Canyon climbs.
SAG drivers were very busy today!
Picking up riders who were depleted
Saved many cyclists.
Maybe four, maybe six cars are SAG.
Well planned ride support.
I rode 43 miles.
Many with mantra,
“No Race, My Pace.”
I flagged SAG.
Loaded bike on,
Drove car uphill highway.
Three miles, there was Bob in car.
Kind SAG Susie, unloaded me there.
Picked up Elizabeth ten miles beyond.
Drove to Laramie, 1303 Park—
Bruce ancestral home,
Now Elizabeth's home—lodging for tonight.
My bonus today:
Riders preparing to pass, called out,
"Are you Lin? Thanks for talk!”
Made me happy!
Asking if I was Lin
Points out rider nearly unrecognizable with helmet & glasses.
Perfect way to rob any bank and not be identified—Use someone else's glasses & bike helmet.
Don’t tell them I said so!
Hard ride meant passing riders
Shared their own encouragement phrase
For cranking their way up steep slope:
"This is time for
Just Putting the Next Foot Down."
"Slow, steep hills, I ask myself,
What else have I got to do today?"
Satisfying day.
Hard day.
Privileged play.
Hugs to each of you,

6am, ready to ride out of Wheatland

Cloud shadowing mountaintop

Greener here up high

Long straight roads

Toward today's mountains

Clearer view of today's mountain destination

Stark edges, sage green, brilliant blue skies

Reaching top of long hill

The pass... Elevation 7169 feet

Bob in front of 1303—trees have almost overtaken its lovely face!

Back of 1303... Elizabeth's current home, Bob's childhood home

Multi-purposing bike rack as drying rack