Tour de WYO 2017: Day 1
Cheyenne to Wheatland: 72 miles
(I rode 46—to Chugwater)
Sunday July 16, 2017
Started riding at 6 a.m.
Breakfast 5:30 in Cheyenne East High School.
Big sprawling school,
Confusing maze to those unfamiliar with design.
Elizabeth & I spent more time
Trying to find way out of building,
Than took to eat breakfast.
Last resort exit
Led to high retaining wall,
Steep grass slope.
Many giggles getting bikes.
Ride out of Cheyenne via their
Greenway paved path.
Excellent for meander start.
Ride today nearly
FLIGHT today—
Such a tailwind!
Fast 72 miles got everyone in early.
I chose to ride just 46 miles,
Saving energy for this evening’s talk.
Bob picked me up in Chugwater.
Now several hours later ...
I have given talk to audience of about 150.
Auditorium was hot,
Challenge for folks to sit.
They did!
Delightful group laughed,
Funny stories, funny songs.
A first was having several ask for autograph,
Many giving hugs.
This talk's lesson came from
Dropping note cards
When approaching microphone.
That meant less order,
More flexible telling of story.
Also meant shorter presentation;
Which given heat,
Was best for all.
I had a good time.
Now to focus on job of riding!
Hugs to all,

Wyoming is known for its geology. Nice roadside view!

Tour de Wyoming "Tent City" at Wheatland HS—grateful for Bob's SAG support allowing us more comfortable lodgings!

Smiling SAG—happy Bob!

Lin and Bob and the Wheatland mascot!

Long vistas here in Wyoming

Milling cyclists at Rest Stop

Standing in line for the Biffy!

Have you ever seen such lines? It's a popular place!

Tour de Wyoming has posted ride safety signage

Speaking at Wheatland HS in auditorium—about 150 people attending.

Lin with other enthusiastic riders and Ride Planners

I found my SAG driver tucked away in a spot of shade! Glad to see him.