Thriving in Winter

What are your Strategies?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hello My Friends,

What cheers you through winter,
Or through any inactive time?
I'm interested in hearing your strategy.

Winter roller coaster, yoyo weather,
Sometimes beautiful,
Sometimes confining.

Reality is that I make it confining.
Not keen on slippery ice, and cold.

More than hour of added daylight
Since Solstice—Hooray!

I'm riding indoor exercise bike,
Walking in our delightfully indoor hallways,
Sitting in front of "Blue Light" daily,
Doing okay.

I'm learning, my best way of "wintering"
Is Connection.
Friends and family are my highlights,
Interactions with folks who matter.

Lunch dates with granddaughters,
Small church group in-depth conversations,
Coffee time with long-time women friends,
Cell phone "texts" with faraway folks,
All cherished at any time,
Special heart-warmers in winter.

I'm thinking of signing for summer bike trip.
Weighing aspects of two.
I'll let you know when I have that in place.

To each of you Friends, I'm sending
BIG HUGS, warm friendship,


Connections are not part of weather,
Connections are being together.
To listen and share,
To know that you care,
Can feel just as light as a feather!

P.S. Don't forget to leave your best "thriving in winter" strategies in the comments below. (Once submitted they have to be "approved," so don't fret that you don't see it right away.)

Bob, Sequoia and Tigerlilly

Laughing with friends is the best! Lin with Ron and Karin Smith

Dining with our longtime friends, Karin and Ron Smith from Montana

Lin and Tigerlilly

Ice Fog—behind our condo

Indoor is better than none!

Bob and I lunching with granddaughter Tigerlilly at Zumbros. Tigerlilly visiting on college break from University of South Korea. Precious time.

Sequoia's lunch at Tintos

Lunching at Tintos—you can see how time with my granddaughters cheered me!

Ice covering each branch and twig—beautiful.

Current puzzle in progress

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Margaret Smith - February 12, 2020

I’m going to try to send a picture of winter with grandkids. It should be starting to warm up in VA by the time I get back. It will come in a separate email.
Margaret Smith

    Lin Bruce - February 12, 2020

    Thanks Margaret! Got the email and photos–I so appreciate you sharing those ideas that keep “sunshine” in your life!

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