The Week Between
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
What in your life sparks your gratitude?
And makes it real, not a platitude?
For me it’s a way
Of viewing the day,
With Light, a more positive attitude.
Here we are — I call this
“The Week Between”.
Between Christmas and New Year’s Day,
That week that sits infused with
Lingering thoughts of what
Christmas time held for me.
Eating special snacks, sauces, sweets
Made especially for, and gifted to, our
Gluten Free household.
Hopefully writing a thank you
For items and attention that we received.
The other part, is the stirring of thoughts —
A New Year and what it may hold.
What will be different?
What will be possible?
How can I maximize noticing
My wonderfully predictable days
Of familiar routine and loving friends?
The week is almost a combo of
What’s past and experienced;
Plus, the “road” stretching
Forward in our time horizon.
Past and Future.
I’m reminded of the quote from Elanore Rosevelt —
The gist of which is “we have the present”.
Good reminder.
Thanks, Elanore!
Sending genuine wishes for a Happy New Year!