The Miracle of Help
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Your growing years planted resistance,
To asking for any assistance.
But now that you know,
HELP eases life’s flow,
Let Help in. Enhance your existence!
Are you remembering to ask for help?
I’ve needed a lot of help this week…
And I’ve asked for it.
Big step for me!
Still takes telling myself,
“It’s okay.”
Growing up in a time and household
Where you were supposed to manage by yourself;
If you couldn’t, you didn’t get to participate.
It’s a pretty big shift to reach out with an
I’ve gotten:
Help filling out email questionnaire,
getting a ride,
straightening out bank card challenge,
figuring out a mutually workable schedule.
Being listened to on Heart-Level…
That’s profound Help for moving forward to
Asking for and receiving Help
Still feels awkward.
Lots of rationale for not…
I should be able to do this.
I might inconvenience somebody.
What if?…What if?
What I know is that
My life can be smoother
When I get Help.
Unexpectedly, I realize
I get stronger with Help.
Help, my friend…
May you ask when it’s needed,
And receive when it’s offered.