The Little Engine That Could
Truckin' Up the Mountain: 10 miles
July 13, 2016
Nice two-day morning routine we've had:
Together driving to Libby Creek Campground.
Lin biking from there,
Bob taking forest walk.
Again I'm climbing around Barbour Lake.
Three cyclists ahead on road.
I watched young woman reach down,
Pull out water bottle,
Lift bottle, tilt head, squirt water in mouth,
Riding one-handed, good balance.
Here is how I drink water when biking:
Stop bike,
Put both feet on ground,
Pull out water bottle,
Unscrew top and lift to mouth,
Drink several long drafts, before
Replacing lid,
Getting back on bike.
Accomplishes several things:
Hydrates with water,
Gets my back side off seat for brief rest,
Insures solid balance while drinking.

Surely my altitude tolerance
Is increasing.
I am doing okay.
I'm reminded of long-time inspiration forโ success:
The Little Engine That Couldโbeloved children's story.
Read aloud to my own many times.
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."
Yes! I think I can!
Tomorrow I take bike for cleaning / tuning in Laramie.
Sending Big Hugs,
Limerick of the day:
At risk of writing a platitude,
I bring up the subject of attitude.
I notice while riding,
It's worthwhile deciding,
To hold with the mindset of gratitude!

View as I climb the Snowy Range

Lin biking past Barbour Lake

Barbour Lake descent

Indian Paintbrush: Wyoming State Flower