The Danger of Assuming
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
What happens when you are assuming?
When you’re sure you know, you’re presuming?
Your not checking facts,
Adversely impacts,
A chance that might not be resuming.
Have you paid the price for assuming?
Be clear—do not assume!
That’s my BIG relearning piece this week.
Gig I thought I had, I don’t.
My assuming,
Not following through with clear questions,
Means not having this speaking gig.
I screwed up.
BIG reminder!
I DO know those things to do to be clear.
I assumed the other person’s “take.”
Oops! … Argh …
Sometimes the relearning “stings” a bit.
I did have to flip my thinking
To get to naming as “learning opportunity.”
I wonder if I will ever get to
First thought: “What can I learn here?”
Hoping so.
As Oprah says, “Notice how far you’ve come.”
Sort of like pedaling up a long, steep hill—
Notice how far you’ve come.
Good luck to each of us,
Partway up the hill, next step, next pedal stroke.
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