The Challenge of Re-entry
Life after the Adventure...
Thursday, August 18, 2016
I promised I'd let you know that I'm home safely...
Driving home through rain
Heavy and dark,
Dramatic contrast to dryness of
Our Western digs.
Rain enough to
Raise river level in Northfield.
Folks buzzing in town square
Viewing & photographing swollen Cannon River.
Portion of bicycle path
Underwater until river subsides.
I'm glad to be here,
Yet, I have a hard time settling home.
Tasks with definite start and finish points,
Like doing, folding laundry,
Help ground me to this place.
One-on-one visits with dear friends
Solidly tell me that
These people, in this place
Make home.
Grounding gift for today is
Twenty-four mile round trip bike ride
To Linda's welcoming coffee and attention.
Catching up, sharing feelings.
This makes home.
Bob and I will soon look at calendar
Selecting possible ten days—
Bob and I will soon look at calendar
Selecting possible ten days—
Maybe late September,
For autumn unsupported bike ride together;
Looping somewhere through MN .
That is next bike trip in mind's eye.
An enthusing intent
To be put in place.
I'll let you know when we're set to go.
This has been a summer of amazing bicycle
And speaking adventure.
Privilege of time, health, support, encouragement.
Many thanks.
Hugs to each,
Back-Home Limerick:
The pattern is when she's returning,
She lets her mind slide into yearning,
For bike on a ride,
No need to decide,
On which point she will be relearning.

I crossed this river in South Dakota—but on different bridges.(This is Hwy 44)

Visited a college friend on the way home; she gifted me these lovely roses—so dear!

Car and bikes parked where they live at home...

Laundry is always an incredibly grounding chore for me.

The bike trail near home is closed due to high water.