Tell Your “Playmates” They Are FUN!

Quiet bike trail.
Quiet ride “playmate”, Bob,
Pedaling under new-green fringe of spring,
Truly FUN!

This season, our riding is
Suited to our different goals.
Means many solo rides.

My determination to gain
Stamina for long miles of my August trip.
Bob’s commitment to building
Strength after winter of no-biking.

Afternoon designed for ride together,
Special treat and FUN!

Not to take it for granted,
To tell my husband of 62 years,
He’s my favorite “Ride Playmate”,
Rather than assume he knows.

Noticing what matters,
Who shows up,
What enriches my life —
I have today to be sure
I say that.

Life moves along.

Hugs to you,

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Carl Johnson - April 20, 2021

Wow, always setting goals, and working around challenges…

Today’s message particularly resonated with me….


    Lin Bruce - April 21, 2021

    I’m delighted it resonated for you, Carl! Thanks for telling me. 🙂

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