Stuff of Dreams

42 miles: Started at Martin, South Dakota
Elevation: 3,310 ft.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hello My Friends,

Saying “yes” to your dreams
Taking the steps, actually doing it.
Sorts what you think you want
From what you REALLY want.

Riding in Nebraska and South Dakota,
Midst of wide vistas,
Broad expanses,
Seemingly empty areas.

Rider on bike is pretty small here.

Yesterday's wind moaning through barbed wire fences,
Swirling eddies of dust,
Unbroken line of empty highway,
Snaking across prairie,
Up distant hills.

Today’s ride began in Martin, S.D. 3,310 ft,
Where we stayed last night.
Day dawned cool, calm.
I decided to get right on road,
Not lose ANY of comfortable ride conditions.

Quick cup of coffee, energy bar, & rode away.
Bob went for breakfast,
Purchased to-go food for me.
Handed to me when he caught me,
Fifteen miles into day's ride.
(Really good decision)

That egg, bacon, cheese sandwich,
Best I've ever eaten!
Bonus SAG support.

I used to wish that I had started riding earlier.
Long solos rides ... Alaska to Patagonia.
To be that brave.

Now I know those "long distance solos" ...
Probably never real match for me at any age.

I ride by mostly by myself.
Bob is often ride buddy,
Which I treasure.
Seldom do we talk when riding.

Reality check ...
He can't hear me, I can't hear him.
Still we share the journey.

Those continent-to-continent solo rides I dream up?
I would miss sharing my adventure at end of day,
Comparing ride energy,
Noting sights seen.

With SAG, I know quiet support is
Ahead and solid.

Connecting with others doing same thing,
At least supportive and patient
With my efforts.
Connection keeps me re-committing to
Move on down my adventure road.

I value that for me.
Hooray for the solo riders
Pedaling across uncharted continents!

My journeys on little highways across wide grasslands, prairies,
Supported with logistics, water,
Precious listening,
These are my satisfying adventures.

I would not know this truth
Had I not taken a piece of my dream, and begun.

So I continue to adventure
As it really works for me.

Until I change my mind ....

Hugs to each of you,

(Editor insert:)

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Begin it now.”

––Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Terrific name!

A daily SAG task: loading the car

Late breakfast after riding early 15 miles

Bob holds bike as Lin disappears behind bush

Dancer sculpture outside Art Institute in Mission, SD. Cool fringe on dancing skirts!

SAG parked, backed off hwy for safety, to check on me.

Big expanses, long, open views

Welcome sight--SAG in car ahead watching for me

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Naurine - September 6, 2019

I can just taste that sandwich! Taking satisfaction from what we can do is a very important lesson in life. Thanks for all your modeling and encouragement. Naurine

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