Staying Attuned, Hearts Desires

Twists and Turns of Your "Next Big Thing"

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When I say it’s time to embrace “Your Next Big Thing ,”
What do you imagine?

A long-held dream?
For me, it’s been my next bike trip,
Next growth event, next Speaking Gig.

Now, it’s something new.

These past 12 days showed me how
What’s foremost in our hearts
Can shift in a moment.

Playing gentle game of ping-pong Nov. 13
In church basement, husband Bob
Went for spectacular corner save,
Only to slip and crash: breaking his hip.

Hospital, good care, led to surgery and
Partial hip replacement, with good prediction
Of his healing potential

In the first few days especially,
I imagined the worst—including never biking again.
During week home without him,
I felt bereft, other passions falling away,
Only wanting him with me.

After a week in rehab with daily PT and OT,
Bob is home, with four-wheeled rolling walker,
Other OT tools for putting on socks, etc.
He looks better everyday—and biking
Is still not on my radar.

I know it doesn't mean I don’t love biking,
It doesn’t mean I don't love speaking about my trips
Encouraging others to reach for their
Next Big Thing.

What it means is that our priorities can flex.
Our hearts hold passions for activities, deep love for people.
When someone we love is in peril,
Next Big Thing can become helping them heal;
Spending each day feeling grateful for their presence,
Making the most of each moment.

I caution myself to stay attuned
Life balance and reaching beyond comfort zone
Requires listening and flexing.

The other thing coming to me again and again:
Those “5 Keys” I teach are exactly what I need
Right now in my off-bicycle life.

  1. Make the commitment
  2. Ask for help
  3. Connect with others
  4. Bring humor to my days
  5. Recommit, recommit, recommit.

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
May you feel the depth of gratitude for what you love,
May you honor the needs of your heart
As you reach for Your Next Big Thing!

Hugs and much love,

P.S. Special gratitude for the outpouring of love and concern
coming our way. Feeling that support, receiving help—
it continues to make an enormous difference!

P.P.S. I'm giving my "Engaging While Aging" talk on Wednesday, Dec. 18 at the Riverbend Nature Center in Faribault; details here. Come if you can!

Bob making healing progress

Fun date before the fall; at Chanhassen Dinner Theater!

Lin with Bob at his rehab unit

Bob feeling better enough for computer tasks

Bob is home

Bob has 4 wheels instead of 2!

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Irene - November 27, 2019

It is wonderful to see your smiles! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy live! Love and hugs!

Naurine - November 27, 2019

Following your progress carefully. So glad things are going well. Thanks for continuing your service to the community.

Kay schroeder - November 27, 2019

I follow you in all you do over the miles.
This Native Wyoming Gal says keep on keeping on … because with faith I know you can.
Gentle hug for Bob. Love, Kay

Shari lehman - November 27, 2019

Dear Lin and Bob,

So sorry to hear about Bob’s accident and the partial hip replacement. Ah yes, life brings us all kinds of challenges! Good to know Bob is healing well. Your healthy lifestyle will be helpful as you navigate this new passage. Perhaps you remember I had a hip replacement in 2011-shortly after Bob died. I found time in the pool was most helpful in my recovery. Wishing you many blessings this Thanksgiving.

Fondly, shari

    Lin Bruce - November 27, 2019

    Ah, yes–thanks for the reminder about your own hip replacement, and the tip about the pool… Sending Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family, Shari!

Deanna Suder - December 2, 2019

I have been praying for Bob’s healing, so glad to see the pictures of him looking well! You are so right–life can change in an instant! Steven had 2 hip replacements (one at 38 y.o. and one at 48 y.o.). Who knows? Bob may feel better than he did before the fall with a partial new hip!! And I am sure you are taking excellent care of him! Please give him a hug for me!

    Lin Bruce - December 20, 2019

    Thanks so much for the heart-felt message, encouragement, and prayers, Deanna. Appreciate it beyond what you know!

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