Speaking in Winona
Winona Friendship Center
April 5, 2017
Hello Friends,
Got to Winona's Friendship Center,
Read marquee,
Thought ... oh, dear...
Mistake here,
Not my expertise!
Inside building white board words
Gave message that matched.
(Bike safety instruction followed my talk.)
Lovely people involved all along,
Booking talk through Winona Library,
Oldest serving library building in U.S.
Librarian Lezlea finding date for event.
Friendship Center / Senior Center staff
Providing space, microphone,
On scene support.
Diane, new friend from MN National Speaker Assoc
Attending, encouraging.
Conversation with John
Whose own cross U.S. bike ride
Drew him to come listen.
Audience of about twenty people,
All those good people,
All that good support ... still,
I ended up feeling kind of like
Sixth grader first time presenting at
Middle school talent show.
Not a good feeling for me.
Went to bed discouraged.
This morning in shower
Thinking of the Five Keys
I encourage my listeners to use:
1. Make a commitment
2. Get help
3. Find humor in the hard stuff
4. Connect with others
5. Stick with your commitment
Thinking, "anything there for Me now?"
I guess it is
Stick with Your Commitment.
I am learning all the time.
Not wanting to be in learning mode.
Wanting to be "top of line polished,"
Each time, right now.
I'm okay this morning.
Better perspective,
Honest and willing to "stick."
My next opportunity is
Park Hill Branch Library, Denver, CO.
April 18, 6:30pm.
If you are close enough to attend,
Please come.
I will be delighted to have you as audience.
Thanks, Friends—and Hugs,
P.S. I'm dreaming up some great bike adventures for this summer... Stay tuned!

Lin and Bob flanking Winona Friendship Center marquee

Winona Marquee

Program detailed on whiteboard at Winona Friendship Center

Winona's library: oldest still-used in MN!

I needed my brights to stand out against the great mural backdrop!

Diane from MN Speakers Association came to support me!

Swapping cross-country bike tales with John

Great Publicity Poster!