Speaking for AAUW
Gracious, Attentive Audience
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Hello my friends,
Feb 15 talk to
Northfield AAUW—
A privilege to tell my story.
Fifteen fine women
Got lunches and listened,
Seated round big tables.
I got lunch too, and learned
Even mild chili doesn't work for
Pre-talk food.
Delicious later!
Visitor to event was Myrna Johnson,
One of "Northfield's Living Treasure" award recipients—whom I am honored
To claim as my fan.
My joy of telling story
Heavily guided by opportunities
On stage under Myrna's direction.
A thrill to have her as audience.
AAUW women, attentive, kind.
Good experience for speaker.
Weekend family visitors
Extended "special events.”
Scott's 50 b-day noted with
Lighted candle in an orange!
Happy Birthday sung by daughter & his parents.
Creative fun with Sequoia.
Our own paper dolls cut from cardboard.
Construction paper clothing
Gave each fine wardrobe.
That no-perfection,
Free imagination project,
Produced laughter & delight,
Lifted my spirit.
I'll watch for another project
That lets creativity flow,
No judgement.
Such fun to PLAY!
Probably part of why I like to bicycle.
Lucky me.
I cut out a nice paper dolly
And gave her the fine name of "Molly,"
While cutting her clothes,
The strong thought arose,
That play touches soul—'tis not folly!

Telling my 60th birthday story

Full tummies all, and they stayed awake!!! Hooray!

Myrna Johnson came to support me! Such an honor—I've admired her for so many years, it's a dream to have her in my cheering section!

Celebrating our son Scott's birthday: he's got an orange with a candle in it, his daughter "Q" beside him.

Paper play day with granddaughter "Q." We made paper dolls and folded paper boxes.