Share Your Stories
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
You do have a story worth telling,
The stories of “flops,” or excelling.
How DID you get there?
It IS worth the share.
Shared stories are very compelling.
Your stories connect with others.
Sharing YOUR stories,
Listening to OTHERS’ stories,
An easy way to learn about each other—
Great way to connect.
What you’ve done,
What you tried.
What wasn’t your route.
All are of interest.
Your story may prompt action.
In 2017, while on “Tour de Wyoming”
Wyoming’s annual state bicycle ride,
I was the speaker one evening.
Talking about starting my long bike rides
At age 60, in 1999,
I told how I didn’t know anybody.
Had never done a long bike ride.
Was scared, cried, and went anyway.
Following day, a woman told me
She had called her 12-year-old son.
Back home & signed up to go to camp,
He announced he wasn’t going to go—
First time, no friends, scared.
Mom told him she had heard this lady talk.
This lady’s first trip, no friends, scared, cried.
Went anyway at 60 years old.
Son sniffled out, “I’ll think about it.”
Next night Mom called,
Son was at camp!
“I figured if that 60-year-old lady
Was scared, cried, went anyway—
If she could do that when she was that OLD,
I could go to camp!”
You never know where your
Story will land.
Tell your story.
There are folks who want to hear.
Connections will be made … Precious.