Rochester Fun

And One More Talk this Week!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Hello my friends,

I've spoken to about 30 people
Rochester, MN Public Library.
Group of some bicyclists,
Other regulars at Library events.

Attentive, enthusiastic listeners.
Absolute FUN to get to tell my story.

Finally met face-to-face
Katherine Stecher, library program planner for my event.
In person she is warm, helpful, encouraging
As she has been via email.

Delightful smile matched
Delightful connection.

Bonus on Rochester trip:
Montana friends Karin & Ron Smith
Going through appointments at Mayo Clinic,
Housed at same hotel, same time.

Excellent visit.
Joy of time is
News of positive medical protocol
For dear friend.

Bob thanked me for getting to come.
We made it "Date Day" for us.


P.S. IMPORTANT: My talk Saturday, February 18 at AAUW meeting, is OPEN to ALL. If you are in area, come to Culvers Ice Cream Restaurant in Northfield MN. Talk about 11:30am. Love to have you there!

P.P.S. Rochester performance was recorded: find it here if you wish!

Love these post-talk moments of connection!

Getting help with my mic set-up from Katherine Stecher—positive person and a joy to work with.

Enthusiastic comments after Rochester talk—such a treat!

with friend Karin Smith from Montana in our hotel

Ron and Karin Smith, Lin and Bob Bruce enjoying unplanned meet-up in Rochester.

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"