Recommit, Do Not Quit
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
Have you been wanting to quit
On a new commitment?
Recommit! Recommit!
That’s been pitch to myself for several days.
I have a list of five things
That keep me “moving forward”
(or sometimes, just moving).I call them my Five Shifts because
That’s what you have to do on your bicycle
To maintain your cadence,
Or to manage the terrain.
Really, in any part of your life,
There are times when that’s
What you have to do:
Shift, to manage the terrain.
Fifth on my list of shifts is
Not that it is last in importance.
It comes up ALL the time.
Example: Made a commitment—
Waffling now? Recommit.
Need help to move forward?
Ask for help, then—Recommit.
Things so heavy you’re nearly immobile?
Find some ironic humor, laugh, then—
On a bike trip,
Or any time in life,
Recommit is what you do—
As often as you need to—
And sometimes it’s every few minutes.
I hear me.
As often as you need to.
Sometimes it’s every few minutes.
Got it!
Task’s lost momentum, I think I’ll quit.
Inner self will surely throw-a-fit.
So what can I do,
To see the task through?
Now is the time I can recommit.