Raccoon River Valley Trail—Day 2
Loop route—Panora back to Perry, IA: 34 miles
Saturday, September 16, 2017
As I write down mileage for today,
Add it to yesterday,
And come up with eighty-five miles on this great trip—
I want to report to you that … (drumroll)
I have met and exceeded my goal of one thousand bicycle miles
Ridden by end of Sept!
That mileage goal
And goal of ten speeches,
Set in February at meeting of MN Speaker Academy class. Teacher, Mary, put each
Student on spot—requiring goals.
Getting outside for ride mileage has been easy,
I have more than the 1000 of goal.
With nine speeches given
I'm still one short of goal of
Ten opportunities to speak to a group.
Surely that will happen too.
Got any ideas for leads?
(I’m looking for groups and organizations
Wanting to expand their sense of what is possible.)
Today's ride:
Panora back to Perry (different route),
Much cooler with cloud cover.
Cloud became rain occasionally.
First decision to don rain coats—
One of those times
When I couldn't see rain,
Yet tops of my thighs were getting wet.
Must be raining!
Loop route back took us through Dawson,
Very attractive restored, painted,
Old depot was place for rest stop,
Plus changing coats again.
Into Perry too early for hotel check-in,
Drove to High Trestle Bridge for daylight ride
Across solid, high, attractive bridge crossing Des Moines River.
Architectural design,
Creative iron shape placements,
Plus being part of terrific ride,
Bring lots of folks to site.
Bike riders, walkers,
Folks of all ages come here.
Today many got drenched,
As sky opened up again.
Bob and I found sheltered bench,
Sat watching parade of wet folks passing by.
Here we are now in Hotel Pattee,
Overnight in charming room.
Return to Northfield tomorrow,
Having had another bike outing.
When talking to a group,
I tell them that,
“As a kid, I didn't know spouses could have fun together.
I didn't know grownups could have fun.”
And here I am doing that.
Lucky me!

Sheltered during hard rain

Lucky dog! But I'm enjoying riding on two wheels!

Changing into raincoat 15 minutes out of Panora

Refurbished Railway Station in Dawson, IA welcomed us.

Old Railroad Trestle Bridge beside new concrete one for bikes.

Beside Des Moines River, under high trestle bridge

High Trestle Bridge in daylight

Last night's sparkling blue lights seen from here.