Power of Unsolicited Help
Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.
What’s your story of giving or
Receiving amazing generosity?
Recent 3-day outing,
Biking Root River Trail,
Listening to band featuring family members.
Last special stop would be visiting
Wisconsin’s Red Mound Store,
Run by one of our Bruce sons.
As I was driving fairly slowly,
Curvy road, pavement in bad shape,
I heard rhythmic thunk, thunk, thunk.
I’ve ridden my bike when the tire goes flat.
This sound was similar.
My first-time driving car with flat.
I got panicky!!!
What to do?
Continue driving final mile to store?
Stop and investigate?
Area is very rural, occasional farms.
After short, sharp-voiced-worried words
Between Bob and I,
I pulled into driveway beside mailbox
Down road 100 yards.
Hopped out to look at flattest tire imaginable.
Red Mound store one mile away.
But where were we?
How would I know what to tell son Rob?
Just then, pickup pulling a trailer turned into drive.
Home for that man.
I dashed to pickup window,
“Where are we?
What’s the location when I ask for help?”
“Tell him you’re at Dell’s place. He’ll know.”
I called Rob at store.
He’d come right away.
As I turned around from phone call,
Here was first pickup-driver coming down driveway,
Pulling pneumatic jack.
Positioned into place,
Car was jacked up for attention to flat.
Another unsolicited pickup pulled into drive.
Another young man got out carrying his toolbox.
Before I could take in what was happening,
He had power tool working to remove flat tire,
And mount the “doughnut” size spare.
Both of those men saw the problem,
And immediately did what was needed.
Neither Bob nor I asked,
They just stepped up.
Rob arrived from store
As final nut was being tightened.
He called the guys by name,
Joked with them about working
On Saturday after hours.
They all laughed together.
I was flabbergasted by unsolicited
Generous, Kind, Immediate Help.
The pickup drivers spoke of
Receiving help from Red Mound Store
For years.
Knowing they had been on the receiving end
Many times.
I think it demonstrated
A neighbor-concern of the area.
“We’re all folks stepping up for each other
When we see how to help.”
Gratitude, gratitude.
May I offer my own version of same
Powerful, unsolicited help!