Power of Receiving Help

Johnstown to Utica, NY: 35 of 52 miles

Day 14 Empire State Trail Ride

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Are you asking for help when you need it?

Four of our group,
Made sure I was on route today.

Putting me in "middle" of line,
Waiting at top of hill,
When I walked up.

Standing at spot where route changed,
So I'd know which to choose
When I arrived.

MUCH appreciated!

I rode van in after lunch.
Realized I was feeling a "bit peaked.”

Not even sure what that means.

Good decision.
I've had two-hour nap.
Long soak in hot bath.
Surely those are curatives.

I've asked someone to bring soup from restaurant.
I'll not go to map meeting this evening.

By morning I'm sure I'll be
Back to riding.

Quickly I'll tell you that
Erie Canal path was VARIED!
Some paved, some pea-gravel surfaced.
One section best described as "single-track.”



I am feeling just a bit "crummy,”
Not sure if my head or my tummy.
It surely is best,
If I take some rest.
To push it would really be "dummy.”

Lin at Lock 16 on Erie Canal

Map of Canalway Trail

Roadside pause

Today's lunch site

Stan at Lock 16

this elaborate voice one of today's lovely sites

Susan, Stan, Hope at map

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Irene Montenegro - August 16, 2021

Very wise decisions! You are brilliant and will continue to shine. So proud of you! ❤️

Margit - August 16, 2021

Good morning, Lin,

I hope that you woke up fit as a fiddle this morning. I am enjoying following you on your extended route through NY, packed with hills, various trail and road conditions, historic sites, and beautiful landscapes. I haven’t heard you mention your borrowed bike, so it must be a good fit. Thanks for doing all the pedaling, so the rest of us armchair travelers can enjoy your adventure! Love, Margit

    Lin Bruce - August 16, 2021

    Bike is working well enough–will fill you in more in person sometime. 🙂 Thanks for being present with me, Margit!

Naurine - August 16, 2021

I think this is a limerick to memorize – useful in more than one situation. Thanks. And take care of yourself. 👍❤️

Carl Johnson - August 16, 2021

Way to go Lin,
Thanks for sharing tales from your travels. I have looked forward to reading them to start my day. You are inspirational and tenacious!

Claire Rafferty - August 16, 2021

Hi Lin,
You are amazing. You are teaching us so many lessons in self-care, not to mention doing all the work so we can accompany you on this journey. Hope you are feeling better today. I love your posts! And the limericks are so fun and entertaining! Enjoy your last week of the journey,
Take care,

    Lin Bruce - August 16, 2021

    Thank you, Claire! Amazing how quickly the time is flying by. I am chafing at missing today’s excellent ride conditions–though choosing to stay off bike seems good choice.
    The journey would not be as spectacular without people like you sharing it!

Muriel Hachfeld - August 16, 2021

New York is a challenging state in which to ride. I am thankful that you are being safe as you tackle each day. I hope today you feel better, Lin.


    Lin Bruce - August 16, 2021

    Thank you, Muriel! I have great respect for New York’s challenging topography, and admiration for its web of bike trails!

Patsy Ophaug - August 16, 2021


Hope today emerged with you feeling re-energized and ready to pedal again! I’m enjoying following your posts
and inspired by the Erie Canal, where my grandpa launched his seaworthy handbuilt sailboat and the hills my dad and buddies biked through NY in their younger days. I hope to retrace their paths someday…..Knowing you’re doing it just might make it possible for me:)

Enjoy the journey-love,

    Lin Bruce - August 16, 2021

    Thanks, Patsy! It’s been such a gift to have revelations like yours about memories from NY. Yours bring sweet images to my mind’s eye.
    I’m cheering you on to retrace those paths when the opportunity presents itself! 🙂

stan rosenstiel - August 21, 2021

i copied the image of me at the lock. thanks. I am enjoying your descriptions of each day

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