Potential Danger In Assumptions

When motion becomes automatic,
When thoughtless, it is problematic.
So, keep your mind clear.
Then actions, my dear,
Will show up as nothing dramatic.

Potential Danger In Assumptions

My dream-vacation,
Sanibel Island in Florida,
Almost became a nightmare.

Shortly after getting rental bike,
Ready to cross the road,
I turned in front of a car
Oncoming behind me.

Fortunately, driver was alert.
Stopped in time.

Though scared, shocked, shaken,
All were okay.

I had done each of the things I know not to do.

· Never assume a driver sees me.
· Never assume each driver will obey law:
· “Biker-in-crosswalk-has-right-of-way.”
· Don’t ride when overly tired.
· Never think you can ride across faster than oncoming vehicle.

It has re-prompted my biking-awareness.
And that is good.

Now, after being shaken to my core,
And, I will say,
Shaken into my senses,
Biking in warm weather,
Being outside and moving,
Makes this a great time.

Very glad to tell you,
All is well.

Beautiful mailbox; seen on our ride.
Bob & I with the wonderful foliage of Florida.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Carl Johnson - April 14, 2022

Wow, that sounds scary. I am grateful to learn of your safe return!

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