Play and Accomplishment

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Is it possible we accomplish more by playing?
Two totally different,
(But possibly intertwined!)
Fulfilling events.

This week I hit my goal of one thousand miles.
Outside miles, biked this season.

Unusual biking availability this year.
My choice to be very present at home
While Bob regained mobility from bike accident.
Down time while my bike was being remodeled,
Worth the wait for sure.
Love my re-fashioned bike!

I knew I needed a goal.
I set it and now I have met it.
That makes me happy.

The big reminder for me—
Little bits, small portions, a few miles,
Can get me to a goal, to a task accomplished.

Those “baby steps” add up!
Every effort is worthwhile.
I hope to keep that in mind,
Applying it to my non-bike life.

Drumroll …
We had a “Pumpkin Party” for five of us!
Amazing, as I am not a party-person.

Pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, 
Carrot/raisin salad—with which we had
Contest of making some Halloween scene.
Actual permission to play with the food.

Laughter, creative carrot scenes,
Out-of-character costumes,
OH, My!  We had Fun.

Stepping out of usual “Quiet Box;”
Connection in a different way.

Reminder to Lin: playing is ageless. 
Play often!

Could it be Play 
Feeds Accomplishment?



It really is fun to have play time!
Right now I am thinking it is prime
To laugh and to play.
That sparks up my day.
Provides me with Fun and this right rhyme.

Creations using carrot salad
Creations using carrot salad
Creations using carrot salad
Creations using carrot salad
Creations using carrot salad
Creations using carrot salad
Happy, Silly Party People 
Pumpkin Party Goers
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Leslie Schultz - October 25, 2023

Dear Lin,

You are so creative! I can feel the joy. And congratulations on reaching your goal in your own way and time!

Love, Leslie

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