Out of a Down
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
When I have a “run” of forgetting,
No doubt the results are upsetting.
I’m close to despair,
Still one can declare,
An outcome may show up abetting.
How do you get out of a “down?”
Our bike trip came from
Short notice decision, short notice prep,
Really, only requirement was motel reservation.
Root River Trail for biking and overnight.
FUN, we had fun,
And a bit of drama at the start.
Just prior to leaving, we
Attended 50 North, Senior Center,
Summer celebration picnic.
Ate summer picnic foods,
Visited a bit then sort of “rushed” out.
In the car, two miles out of town
Realized my phone was missing.
Back to 50 North, frantically looking,
Carla even pulled out a garbage liner,
Dumped contents, and sorted for phone.
At desk to write note about lost phone,
I walked away, then heard
“Lin— Lin, are these your keys?”
Key-loss avoided. Whew!
Asked if I had used the bathroom before leaving.
Yes! And there was my phone.
Right there on top of toilet-paper dispenser
A place many women set their purse, phone, keys.
Hooray, phone no longer lost.
Two hours later, at bike trail,
Changed into bike clothes,
Bikes unloaded and necessary gear pulled out,
No bike helmet for Lin! What?
I hadn’t gotten it into our car.
One mistake too many,
I was so discouraged, Ready to abandon whole outing.
Biking without helmet—
Not even to be considered.
Fortunately, creative thinker, Bob,
Said, “Drive into Lanesboro, find a helmet.”
That calm, practical suggestion worked.
I rented a helmet, biked to meet Bob.
We had a wonderful outing, which did include biking.
Turned out to be
“Minimal mileage, Maximum fun.”
Now that I”m “back up” to activity,
I am reminded –>ups and downs happen.
Getting out of a down can come:
From a specific plan.
From a well-meaning yank into participating,
From gentle invitation to join the event.
Or sometimes, it just sort of seeps away,
And I am ready again.
Whatever prompts the shift,
I am grateful.