Noticing and Appreciating Amazing Support

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

As guests at this big celebration,
We can make a true observation.
With vows that were made,
Their journey is laid
Laid out with this new declaration.

Are you receiving and appreciating support?

We attended a grandson’s wedding!

Remember seeing calm,
Beautiful ducks gliding on water—
Effortless, as we view the duck-scene?

That was the welcoming calm
Of an extraordinary wedding event;
Smoothly presented and joyful.

No hint of the “underwater paddling”
That had put meals, amenities, nitty-gritty needs 
In place.

Throng of guests settled into the scene,
Welcomed by “resident” ducks.
Quite lovely.

Lots of layers in a wedding gathering—
Supporting the newlyweds.
Admiring the antique wedding dress 
Worn by this bride;
Worn by grandmother, mother, sister, aunties before her
Eight in all.
Flowers, all local from garden or hillsides,
Food for multiple meals, all grown and raised locally.

Listening to words from Officiant, 
Speaking of dedication, caring, hope.
Hearing bride and groom express 
Their commitment and love for each other.

The “gathering -of-people.”
Community and family gathered to 
Cheer, love, and witness.
Friends, well-acquainted or newly minted,
Like-minded in the celebration.

Families assembled to mark this wedding.
Together, from their distant homes,
Along with festivities,
Much to absorb and honor.

The groom had four grandparents at his wedding,
Ages 83 —>92.
I’m glad I’m one of them.

Wonderful to witness
The woven web we are!
Support abounds.


Dressed to go to wedding.
Wedding ceremony.
Fun times at wedding.
Post-wedding, bride and groom.
Butterfly on my shoulder. Good luck omen for sure!

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Muriel - July 22, 2022

Your account of the wedding, and the photos of the event, are wonderful, Lin. The wedding dress is lovely, as is the photo of Bob and you. I suppose that Bob was wearing a family plaid.


    Lin Bruce - July 27, 2022

    Thank you for your note, Muriel! Yes, bob’s plaid is a “Bruce” plaid—family ancestry link. Traditions are powerful. love, Lin

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