Wednesday, August 30, 2023
What are you noticing?
“Noticing” is on my mind.
I’ve spent this week celebrating our wedding anniversary.
There were decades when we let it slide.
Bob and I are being deliberate about noticing
Every year from now on.
Noticing people where I am.
Noticing what is beautiful,
And what is not.
Noticing what’s working out for me.
Noticing who I can call on.
Those folks standing quietly in the wings.
Remembering people who have died,
Noticing what they meant in my life.
Noticing the “off-shoot” possibility
Tucked in beside path I’m journeying.
Noticing the opportunity that showed up
Just when I was ready to throw in the towel.
This week, I’m deeply aware of Noticing.
Much to notice,
Much to celebrate.
It’s one of those times that is freeing,
When noticing what I am seeing:
The dark and the light,
Are sharp in my sight.
Awareness enhances “whole-being.”