Northern MN Day 2
Itasca State Park to Bemidji, MN: 41 miles
Sunday, July 18, 2017
In which we remember flexibility is key!
Very late start on this day.
Turned in "cabin" key at nine a.m.
Took bike path to Headwaters of Mississippi River.
Imagine figuring out start point of
That BIG, HUGE river!
Probably more barefoot people in icy water of headwater,
Than any other place in MN.
Exited park for travel on
State highways.
Some headwinds,
About fifteen miles of tailwind.
Advantage of a route that
Zigs and zags—
In some direction you get
This was day of adjusting layers;
Sub-layers and raincoats.
Raincoats on,
Raincoats off.
Zipper down to cool,
Zipper up to keep out rain.
Enough rain to be wet,
Not enough to drive us to shelter.
Detour on final stretch into Bemijdi.
Not quite knowing location of motel-for-night
Was complicated by detour.
We had part of "scenic tour.”
Following Bob's radar...
We found Paul Bunyan Trail along Lake,
Eventually our motel.
Very sandy soil here,
Bikes, bags, bottles,
Covered with sand by end destination.
When we asked,
Motel folks found broom & rag
For first-layer bike clean.
Amazing sand amounts, everywhere!
Today we followed MRT (Mississippi River Trail)
To get from Lake Itasca to Bemidji.
Amazing, amazing to see small stream
Identified as the Mississippi River.
This River becomes Mighty, mighty fast.
Yet it still has some miles of smallness.
You can tell that this high-dry-plains person, (Me),
Is impressed by The Mississippi.
Bob and I had variety in the day,
Got here under our own steam,
Shared miles of drizzle and rain,
Appreciating the Journey.
Lucky folks, we are.
Hugs to each of you,

Even big rivers start small! (The mighty Mississippi River)
Sending out wishes for a
Happy Father's Day!

Tethered rental bikes waiting for riders while we waited at Lake Itasca.

Origin of the Mississippi River! Today's rain will take 90 days to reach the Gulf of Mexico.

Bob viewing the still small Mississippi...

Stopped for snack break—near Lake Lasalle

Babe the Blue Ox at the Bemidji, MN Visitor's Center

Roadside daisies for my sister, Jean!