Northern MN: Day 1
Walker, MN to Itasca State Park: 36 miles
Saturday, July 17, 2017
First third of day riding Paul Bunyan Trail.
Off road trail biking definitely my favorite!
Highways were fine:
Courteous drivers,
Some shoulder.
Last 15 miles Hwy 200 W
Big wide shoulder space,
Easy, breezy.
Lunch was in Lake George's only cafe.
Had "for sale" sign if you're seeking new career!
Waitress & cook willing to research ingredients,
Be safe for gluten-free.
Arrived State Park about 1:30pm.
No check in for lodging until 4pm.
We sat in big Visitor Center,
Comfy, cushy chairs.
I took a nap.
(Favorite any day, special bonus biking.)
Walked little trail to "Old Timer's Cabin,"
Built by CCC out of biggest logs I've seen!
Now we are waiting.
You may know that I don't
Wait well, patiently, or with good humor.
Grumble, grumble.
Soon I'll go get in line to check in.
Then get in line for evening meal.
Then, truly ....
I will pay attention to this day's
Excellent weather,
Beautiful views,
Well-functioning bicycle,
Loving trip companion.
All well.
I'm challenged when it comes to waiting,
I find the whole thing rather grating.
Will I learn to smile?
Chill out for a while?
To grump can be de-bil-i-tat-ing!

Early am, Leech Lake. Cloud cover but no rain!

CCC big log construction—"Old Timer's Cabin"—Lake Itasca State Park

Ready to ride from Walker motel

Blow down clean up north of Walker on Paul Bunyan Trail

First stop, Bob digging through pannier for a needed item

Lunch Cafe at Lake George: For Sale!

Amazing red pines towering over Bob and his new helmet! (Itasca)

Bob in front of boat dock, Lake Itasca

Lovely patch of Lady Slipper, at Lake Itasca State Park