North Carolina
Time in Asheville area—non-biking adventure
March 19—25, 2017
Hello My Friends,
Home in Northfield after two weeks
In Carolinas.
Last week's site, North Carolina.
Housed in Warren Wilson College guest house
Midst of charming small campus.
Spring emerging during stay.
Daffodils greeted us.
Watched flowering cherry trees
Unfurling soft blooms by end of week.
Time spent touristing—
Folk Art Center on Blue Ridge Parkway,
Multiple fine art galleries,
River Arts ceramic studios.
Warren Wilson Campus Farm
With all sorts of baby things
Plants, chickens, lambs.
Walk by river
Through bamboo forest.
Uphill paths, stairs, walkways on campus
Strengthen, tighten calf & glutius muscles.
Additional benefit to student life.
Visit to theater costume shop,
Just "happened" to still be open Friday late aft.
Rose Bruce, WW student, granddaughter,
Known to costume shop worker,
Asked for entrance to costume storage.
Oh My! What fun!
Volumes & volumes of anything for stage or costume.
Organized , retrievable, all variety.
Box contents scrupulously labeled,
"Small Body Parts,”
"Small Body Parts with Blood,”
Swords, Masks, Magic Wands.
Hats that made us laugh,
Made us pose & giggle.
Frequent signs admonished,
"Put it Back... Right Where You Found It".
Asheville N.C. contains food possibilities,
All sorts,
All ethnicities.
One could view fine art,
Eat excellent food,
For days and days.
Highlights were visits with Rose,
Last semester, senior year Warren Wilson.
She gave us quiet time in Zen-like tea shop,
Walks around campus.
We all exclaimed about food as we ate Indian buffet.
Precious treat to receive focused attention.
Now we are back in Northfield,
"Grounding " our lives here.
Laundry, mail, groceries.
All things to support this good existence.
I'm preparing for my next talk:
April 5, Winona MN, two p.m.
(Click here for details)
If you are in vicinity,
Please come be with me.
I would LOVE having you in audience.
Hugs to each,

Biltmore Tower, Asheville, NC

Daffodils for my birthday... at Biltmore Gardens

The show must go on!

A hat for every occasion!

college haircut for Bob

Among the cherry blooms...

Bob in Biltmore loggia

Biltmore Arches Indoor Garden

Bob among orchids at Biltmore Conservatory

with lovely granddaughter Rose

At Dobra Tea House in Asheville

Rose with "GranBob" at Dobra Teahouse

Warren Wilson Chapel

Bob in front of historic Asheville City Hall

Baby Chicks at Warren Wilson farm

Rose and Red Shoes (Eat your heart out, Dorothy!)

Fun with Masks

Warren Wilson Costume Shop—Amazing Shoe Selections