Next trip starts Saturday!
Last minute details and fun...
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Hello Friends,
Saturday, June 17, next ride starts!
Bob and I on northern MN ride,
New routes, more complete trails,
Circle tour, creative planning,
Enough challenge,
Enough back-up
For good bicycling together.
Original plan 450 miles
Completely unsupported—
Modified when my chest cough,
Bob twinging back,
Reminded us that changing
To match current ride fitness,
Still provides satisfying adventure.
We will drive north,
Leave car to be Point of Return.
Ride short consecutive days,
Or day consisting of loop,
Having car as back up for
Any need.
I'm DELIGHTED with our
Adjusted plan!
Note: Modifications important Key
For achieving dreams!
Gathering items for ride,
I have new socks!
For 15 years, have worn black sport socks.
Now two pair high viz color,
Bright bands of color moving up and down.
Yet another alert to motorists,
"Biker on Road".
Toastmaster club talk
Let me show items I wear on head when biking.
Almost disguised.
"Who is that Masked Rider?”
End of class for Speaker Academy, National Speaker Assoc.
Has gala event.
Bicycle clothing not an option.
"Who is that woman in Dress Up?”
Underneath ,
'Tis I,
Living different part of life.
Eager to share the next trip with you
In just a few days.
Feeling lucky to get to adventure.
I send you Hugs,
P.S. Loved opportunities to see
far-flung family members this week!
Pictures below…

visiting with Meg from Indiana, mother of two of my grandchildren.

lunch in LaCrosse, WI with granddaughter Julia Rose

Water break on Sakata Trail

Lin setting off on Cannon Valley Trail

East of Northfield, out on 20-mile training ride

Hi-viz socks...

Dressed for Gala Speaker Event

Red Wing Trail end decoration

After lunch with Julia Rose
So glad we could see Rose before she heads to China!