My Thanksgiving Evolution
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2024
What’s your Thanksgiving evolution?
Holiday of Thanksgiving…
It is more and more that for me,
The being Grateful / Thankful part.
Probably that’s part of having lots of years
Of living.
And now it is paying attention to
Living my moments.
I recently read,
“Aging lets you focus on savoring
Experiences in the moment.”
I try to think back on
Thanksgiving, the Day,
When I was growing up.
Focus was the particular meal.
Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce,
Mashed potatoes, homemade rolls,
Two kinds of pie, pumpkin and mincemeat.
Mama was a skilled baker.
Cakes and cookies were her go-to creations.
But Thanksgiving tradition said “pie,”
So Mama made terrific ones.
She liked to have Thanksgiving dinner by 1pm—
That was so we had space for
Delicious turkey sandwiches late in the day.
She’d get up at 3am to get turkey roasting.
(It must have been big.)
Cranberry sauce came out of a can.
Open one end, tilt can,
Out slides cylinder of jellied sauce.
I’d never seen a raw cranberry
Until I was an adult.
Emphasis was on food.
Delicious, lots, varied.
Work for the cook.
My iteration of Thanksgiving…
Morphed into simplicity,
With enough energy to be grateful.
Still special foods….
I can’t forgo pie.
When efforts are made to collect people..
Family gatherings that let us
Share time as well as share food,
I am increasingly grateful.
Living / noticing precious moments
Is expanding my life.
Expanding my heart.
I am not as insular and bashful
As earlier in my years.
I KNOW how powerful connections can be.
Thankful / Grateful…
However I might name it,
I’m noting the holiday and
Taking it with me to
Influence every day.
Go well into your grateful days.
While being a food celebration,
Thanksgiving can have variation.
Without skipping pie,
I realize I,
Can live a Connect designation.