My Double Standard

Frustrated? Impatient? I can relate!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hello My Friend,

It can be HARD to be flexible.
Sometimes even hard to be generous!
What helps you with frustration and impatience?

Bob and I drove to popular rail trail,
Wanting bike through that countryside.
To watch for seasonal changes
Along those miles.

Oh, my!
Trail buzzing with riders!

The only “watching” I did, was to avoid
Having several cyclists in same lane,
One spot, same moment.
No leisurely viewing.
Not what I wanted!

That's when I realized,
I have a double standard.

I want others to bicycle.
To experience delight of
Covering miles under own power.
Hooray! It's wonderful.

At same time,
I cherish being alone in my ride.
My bike buddy, Bob, is welcome addition.
Mostly alone though—
Lets me sail along unobstructed.

Popular Rail Trail made me think:
“All these people are in my space!

One thing always helps me
Find my way back from this edge:

Noticing the little things,
And big ones, too.

I'm getting to ride outside in autumn color blaze.
October skies blue, red & yellow trees,
Feast for viewing.

Restores the possibility of
Patience and generosity.

Hugs to you,

Autumn along Cannon River

Paused on Cannon Valley Trail

High water warning sign doesn't mince words

Autumn edge of a back road

Gorgeous Leaf colors

Bob pausing on autumn ride

Sculpture, yes, but also bench

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"