More Ease
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Regardless of which way you’re going,
The wind’s Very Real in its blowing.
It moves you ahead,
Or stalls you instead.
Your trip’s very Hard or it’s Flowing.
Can you choose your timing and strategy for more ease?
My plan for the day was
Biking! Big loop ride,
Several hours, include lunch out,
Always good motivator for
Putting effort into pedal hours.
Sunshine, mild autumn temp,
About thirty miles, and
I had all day.
Headed out East Trail,
All good while riding
Sheltered by dense trees.
In those more open stretches,
I began to notice wind.
Out on open road, that wind
Was Real!
Head wind, side wind gusting / battering,
Hard enough to knock me off balance…
And I can sit “Heavy.”
Twice, only getting one foot on ground
Saved me from being
During my years of Long Biking,
I’ve had times of
Bucking the wind all day.
Those were rides when
Getting to that day’s destination
Was important for staying on Schedule
Within Timing of the trip.
Often to keep company trip leaders
Herding our group within a time frame.
I realized that this day’s ride,
Timing and Route could be changed.
Those parameters didn’t need to fit today.
I made a U-turn in the middle of a road.
Heading home … assisted by wind,
I got thinking about the parallel of
“Timing and Route” in off-bike-life.
Do we have times when we can
Modify our Route?
Change the Timing?
Remove the battering pressure of those
By modifying
The When and the Plan?
Could be there are circumstances
We can shift, easing our
Forward progress by
Change in Timing and Strategy
Rather than being battered by them.
Worth giving it a try, I think.
As often as possible,
May the wind be your ally.