MN Mini-Tour: Day 3
Kasson to Austin, MN: 37 miles
Friday, September 23, 2016
Trip started with ten miles of
Heavy mist.
Visibility was getting low.
Each of us is easy to see as we ride—
Good lights on back of bikes,
High-viz color raincoats.
Bright front light on my bike,
Blinking red light attached to my helmet.
Still it was a relief
When back on road after snack spot:
Hayfield, MN grocery store,
To find mist dissipated.
Much easier for us to see.
Hayfield grocery store
Provided two bananas,
One V-8, one bottle cold coffee latte.
Clerk in charge let us sit
In vestibule on pile of 50 lb. bags
Water-softening salt.
Dry and protected.
Along small roads,
Low spots,
Evidence of yesterday's rain flood.
We passed through with no problems.
Arrived in Austin, MN about two p.m.
Along with Much Traffic.
Unnerving for last two miles to our motel.
That was unexpected.
Three weeks ago we visited Austin,
Found it quiet, quiet.
Maybe partly depends on which exit of Interstate 90
One is near—this one is busy.
Accquaintances Fred and Carolyn Bogott
Picked us up at motel for small tour.
First stop: amazing bicycle shop,
Almost bicycle museum.
Then to Austin Public Library,
About twenty years old,
With recent additions and improvements.
Many outstanding amenities:
Great children's area right up front,
Bright color, good lighting,
Lots of programs.
Had a very nice feel.
Austin, MN is home of Hormel Corporation,
Whose foundation funds
Civic needs and improvements.
Library showed this financial support.
Lovely visit with Carolyn and Fred.
Tomorrow, Fred will come to motel
With van, with bike rack.
He will ferry us to start of "Shooting Star Bicycle Trail,"
Since some portions of roads leading to trail
Now underwater or washed out.
We rode
Another fine day in this adventure.
Hugs to all,

Inside Austin, MN public library

Supper time! The joy of eating is multiplied when on a bike road trip.

Biking South on City Rd. 16 into foggy mist

Bob decked out in today's required rain gear

Staying dry in the entryway of Hayfield Grocery Store

Our bikes: neatly bedded down for the night

Colorful Bob in front of today's motel

Lin with oh-so-helpful Fred and Carolyn Bogott

Bob catching up on email on motel computer

View from Motel Room: Day 3

Featured sculpture outside Austin library. Our little girl used to like to read on rocks, too!