Lightness and Space
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Ac-cu-mu-la-tions for “just-in-case”
May fill the corners within your place.
When they’re cleared away,
You’ll find that you may
Discover pockets of “space-with-grace.”
Do you have a “just-in-case” collection?
Calendar date says,
First Day of Summer.
Where I live, MN,
Probably where you live too,
Summer weather, flora, activity
Has been in full swing for weeks.
I’m so grateful for that.
Summer biking is not my “show” now.
My days are more focused at home,
Adapting to life’s changing needs.
There are perks around that.
Actually, doing first-level of reducing items
Which have been saved “just-in-case.”
You may know about those collections.
Could still be important for me if
I lived in a far-flung corner of wilderness.
Truth be told,
I live within walking distance of
Nearly every sort of supplier of items.
Easy to get, if needed, and I haven’t needed
For the ten years in this condo.
Finding that my sense of lightness and space,
Is more important that the “just-in-case” collection,
I’m logging items passed-on, or recycled,
Instead of logging summer biked miles.
I am taking walks,
Visiting friends.
Even got help redesigning my business card!
I’ll show you when it arrives.
That keeps me ready for some next opportunity.
‘Tis my time for appreciating beauty and bounty.
Bob is improving!
Slow but sure.
Inside our little home, he walks
Without his walker.
All is well here.